Michigan Department of health and human Services
Disability Resources and State Assistance Programs
Michigan Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (BSBP)
Provides training and support services for the blind or visually impaired to achieve employment and independence. 201 N. Washington Square Victor Office Center Lansing, MI 48933 PH: 1(800)292-4200 TTY: 888-864-1212 Website: www.michigan.gov/bsbp Michigan Bureau of Services for Blind Persons Training Center (BSBP) Residential facility for blind and visually impaired consumers of BSBP. Services include personal adjustment training, vocational planning, and job placement. Division of Deaf, Deaf/Blind, and Hard of Hearing Services include information and referral, accommodations and consumer access, and public policy development. Michigan Department of Civil Rights Cadillac Place 3954 W. Grand Boulevard Suite 3-600 Detroit, MI 48292 PH: (313) 437-7035 Fax: (313) 456-3721 Michigan Career and Technical Institute (MCTI) Occupational assessment, placement, training, and placement for disabled persons. 11611 W. Pine Lake Road Plainwell, MI 49080 PH: (269) 664-4461 Website: www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-73971_25392_40242---,00.html Worker's Compensation Agency (WCA) Provides impartial services to workers injured on the job while protecting the liability of employers. Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Worker's Compensation Agency P.O. Box 30016 Lansing, MI 48909 Office Location: 2501 Woodlake Circle Okemos, MI 48864 PH: (888) 396-5041 Website: www.michigan.gov/wca Barrier Free Design - Plan Review Division Responsible for the review of building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, mobile and manufactured home plans to ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). PH: (517) 241-9328 Fax; (517) 241-0130 Website: www.michigan.gov/lara/0,4601,7-154-10575_17394_17569---,00.html Michigan Protection and Advocacy Service, Inc. (MPAS) Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security Program (PABSS) Assists people with employer grievances and legal rights who receive SSI or SSDI benefits who want to return to work, or need workplace accommodations. Offices in Lansing and Marquette, MI PH: 1(800)288-5923 Website: mpas.org/resources/documents/mpas-client-assistance-program-cap-ppr |
Michigan Department of Health & Human Services
Michigan's public assistance, child and family welfare agency. Provides general assistance for extreme hardships and collects general health information about public health and well-being of residents in the State of Michigan. Michigan Development Disabilities Council A statewide advocacy organization for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) to become independent, productive, and fully integrated members of their committees. Areas of Advocacy:
Website: www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-71550_2941_4868_4897-14626--,00.html Library Sciences, Blind and Handicapped Braile and Talking Book Library (BTBL) 702 W. Kalamazoo Street Lansing, MI 48915 PH: (517) 373-5614 Toll Free: 1(800)992-9012 Website: www.michigan.gov/lara/0,4601,7-154-28313_54234---,00.html Michigan Department of Education, Special Education and Early Intervention Services Office of Special Education and Early Intervention Services (OSE-EIS) Oversees administrative funding of education and early intervention programs for children and students with disabilities. 608 W. Allegan Street P.O. Box 30008 Lansing, MI 48933 PH: (517) 241-7075 (Main Line) Fax; (517) 241-7128 TTY: (517) 241-7142 PH: 1(888) 320-8384 (Special Education) Website: www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-6598---,00.html Michigan School for the Deaf Specializing in academics and social excellence in programs and services to the deaf and hard of hearing, and their families. Services:
Flint, MI 48503 PH: (810) 257-1400 VP: (810) 515-8243 Fax: (810) 257-1490 Website: www.michiganschoolforthedeaf.org/ Michigan Works! Website: www.michiganworks.org/ |
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinating Agencies for the State of Michigan
Website: www.michigan.gov/disabilityresources/0,4563,7-223-41817-359554--,00.html Michigan Protection and Advocacy Service, Inc. (MPAS) Client Assistance Program (CAP) Assists people with grievances, recipient rights issues, and service appeals who are seeking or receiving vocational rehabilitation services from any program funded under the Rehabilitation Act. Rehabilitation Agencies:
PH: 1(800)288-5923 Website: mpas.org/resources/documents/mpas-client-assistance-program-cap-ppr Michigan Statewide Independent Living Council Advocacy council on independent living for people with disabilities 2843 E. Grand River Avenue #283 East Lansing, MI 48823 PH: (517) 371-4872 Toll Free: (800) 808-7452 Website: www.misilc.org/ Disability Network Michigan A network of grassroots advocacy Centers for Independent Living (CILs), building disability leadership. Website: www.dnmichigan.org/ Michigan Protection & Advocacy Services, Inc. (MPAS) Statewide resource connection and alliance for individuals with disabilities and their families that promotes and protects human and legal rights by providing information and advocacy. Services:
PH: 1(800)288-5923 Website: mpas.org/ Michigan Alliance for Families Statewide resource connection for families of children with disabilities to help improve their education. PH: 1(800) 552-4821 Website: www.michiganallianceforfamilies.org/ |